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Dynamics 365 Business Central: Warehouse Management Part 2, Require Receive

Dynamics 365 Business Central: Warehouse Management Part 2, Require Receive

Hey guys. We’re going to keep going with warehouse management. What we’re going to take a look at today is require receive. We’re going to take the location of east, and we’re going to check off require receive. We’re going to see how that affects the PO received.

The idea here is that you have a PO. When you have a purchase where you’re receiving a purchase order, you want the purchasing department to work on the purchase order and you want the warehouse department to receive the purchase order. You don’t want the warehouse department to get into the purchase order to receive the purchase order. That’s why it creates a separation here.

We have something called Warehouse Receipt that they can actually interact with. Then they can post the warehouse receipt so that the receiving gets posted on the purchase order. It’s separation of duties right here. Here we have the purchasing department, and here we have the warehouse department. That’s really what those check boxes are all about. By checking them off, you’re creating more of a separation of department, separation of roles.

You get other interesting things into this as well. For example, when we take a look at that later, you can have multiple purchase orders here. That could all be going onto one warehouse receipt. They could be receiving multiple purchase orders at once.

I’m not going to show you that in this video. I’m just going to show you the simple one, and then maybe we’ll move forward into more complicated ones. Let’s take a look. We’re going to go ahead and modify one of the locations.

First what I need to set up is the warehouse employees. In the Warehouse Employee table I’ve got to set up my user as an employee in the east location. I actually put that as my default location. I think there needs to be one as the default one. Then we just close that out.

This set up needs to be set up; otherwise, you’re not going to be able to see the warehouse documents. I’m going to go into Locations. I’ll go into East Location. Here I actually set up the East Location to Require Receive, so I check that off.

Then I’m going to go into a purchase order and show you the effect of that. The idea here is that I’m issuing a document for the warehouse. The purchase order itself is not really for the warehouse. To have the warehouse actually key in here what they received is not ideal because they’re looking at the cost. They’re looking at lots of information that they just really don’t care about.

To minimize that, you can go ahead and issue a purchase order. If you set up the location to Require Receive, when you release the purchase order, you can go into Action, Warehouse, Create Warehouse Receipt. That creates a warehouse receipt for the warehouse that the warehouse can be looking at. They would only be looking at warehouse receipts. That looks like this.

The warehouse receipt has really only information that the warehouse needs to see, nothing else. Here it’s what document it is, how much we’re expecting to see. Here is how much is to be received, etc. Then you can just go ahead and hit Post, Post Receipt. Now you have posted the inventory.

I need to fix the numbers here. That’s basically how it works. It’s fairly simple. The next time I’m going to show you how we actually do that with the shipments. We have a full walkthrough. As you can imagine, it’s very similar.

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