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Dynamics 365 Business Central: Warehouse Management Part 18, Inventory Counts Without Directed Put Away

Dynamics 365 Business Central: Warehouse Management Part 18, Inventory Counts Without Directed Put Away

All right, we keep going on warehouse management. We just went into inventory picks and inventory put-away where you're setting up. Basically, you're allowing pick, and you're allowing put-away, but not receipts, and not shipments. You go straight into put-away. When you post the put-away, you post the receipt automatically, etcetera.

In those type of situations, you do not have the directed put-away set in your warehouse, so the whole thing changes. You're no longer working with the warehouse receipts. You put away, and then pick, and then a shipment, etcetera. You just skip those. How do we do physical inventory there?

There's actually a new feature that came out. I think I did a video on this when the feature came out to show the feature. I'm also going to do it now because it's part of the warehouse series that we're going through. Basically, how it works is you have a physical inventory order where you create a new order, which gets lines of the inventory that's in your warehouse. From the order, you can create something called the recording.

The recording is a count for some of those lines. There could be more than one recording. The recordings could be of the same lines, or it could be of a subset of the lines. You could create two recordings for the same line, have two people count the same place, and you get two values into this portal. It's like a business process around trying to get the most accurate inventory count.

Once you're done, you actually say you're finished, finished here, and then you say this is finished, and post. Once you post, the positive and negative adjustments get posted into inventory. You're not working at the lower level where you have to have an adjustment bin where the positive and negative adjustments actually go into an adjustment bin. That has to be synched into the chart of accounts and into the item ledger entries.

In this level, you're actually straight onto straight onto the item that you're entering, straight onto the chart of accounts. Just know that no connection between the two. Let's take a look at how that is in the system.

If we do not have bin mandatory, and we want to do physical inventory, we can go into physical inventory recording. Let me just go in like that. Physical inventory journals, I'm sorry, recordings. You do recordings on the orders. Here, I can go ahead and create a new order. I'm just going to call it Test 003 or not. This is a test.

We're going to pick the - since the North location is bin mandatory, we can't really use this on bin mandatory. We're going to pick the South location for this. I can say what the order date is. I can pick who is responsible for this. I'm just going to leave that blank for now. Then I can go ahead and hit calculate lines. I can just bring in all the lines for the South location. There's only two.

We have the iNECTA coffee mug. I do have the bins here, but since I don't have bin mandatory, I can do this. If it was bin mandatory, I would have to do it in the warehouse physical journal. I can now go ahead and actually just go create a recording. Let me see how that actually works. Make a new recording, there we go. What a recording is - basically, from the order, the physical inventory order, you can make recordings. The recordings could be only a portion off the actual order that you're counting.

In this case, I'm going to take everything. I could have split them into two physical inventory recordings, one for the top - first line, and one for the second line. I'm just going to go ahead and do that. It actually can create more than one recording for the same bin and the same item. You could be double counting the same thing. If you want to get really accurate counts, send two different people to the same bin to count. Anyways, I created the recording. Let me just see if I we can see this here.

Go straight into recordings. Here is the recording. If I take a look at that, it actually tells me okay, now go ahead and count this. It doesn't tell me the quantity that is there because I have to count it. If it told me the quantity, I might just put in the quantity that it says on the line. Obviously, I don't want to do that. Let's say if I found 100. I actually can't remember what it was, and 80. It's probably vastly different. Then I'm just going to go ahead and hit finish. Finish the recording, yes, so it's done. I go back.

Now I can see that there are one line finish. You can have multiple lines for each line here. The recorded is 100. The expected was 175. There is a difference there. We can go ahead and post this to post a difference. Let me just go ahead and do that. Post the order, yes. Oh, sorry, first I've got to finish it, of course, yes. Then it puts in the negative and positive. Now, I can post it.

As you can see, I don't use this quite often, but it's a process. It adds a business logic to the account that you can create recordings from the order and have multiple recordings. Then finish the order, and post, and post the positive and negatives. It's a little bit more than just a flat journal where you're typing in the numbers and then posting it through. I think it's pretty cool.

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