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Dynamics 365 Business Central: Warehouse Management Part 16, Inventory Picks And Put Aways

Dynamics 365 Business Central: Warehouse Management Part 16, Inventory Picks and Put Aways

Okay, so now we're going to take a look at a little bit of a different configuration of the warehouse. We're moving away from the directed put-away – you heard me say a million times directed put-away, required, or checked off that basically forces the warehouse to have require receive, require put-away, require pick, require shipment. What if we actually take away the directed put-away? What we can do then is we can reduce the complexity.

What we have right now, we have a P.O., which creates a receipt, which creates a put-away for the product. Then on the other side, we have a pick, which goes to a shipment, which goes to a sales order. There are a lot of people there going, "What? This is a lot." Whenever I create a P.O., I have to initiate a receipt. From the receipt, I have to do a put-away. When I post the receipt – and all of that.

What if we want to cut down this process? What if we want to simplify it? I still want to do put-aways, and I still want to do picks, but maybe I can collapse the whole receiving and the shipping into one. That's what we do with these inventory picks and inventory put-aways.

In the set-up, we changed it a little bit. We're going to create a South location in the application. In the South location, we're not going to have directed put-away checked off, just bin mandatory, and picks, and put-aways. That's it.

What happens is these two guys become one. They just become inventory put-away, P.A. The P.O. is still here, but inventory put-away will actually not only put away the product, but also post the receipt once you post the put-away – all in one. The same side, over here, the pick becomes inventory pick. It collapses the shipment and the pick. When you pick, and you post the pick, it posts the shipment as well. That's coming from the sales order.

This is a simplification. It's really nice. It actually cuts out a whole segment. If you need this segment here, the shipment and the receiving, then this is too simplified, maybe. If you don't, then this is clearly an option. Let's take a look at that.

Okay, so let's take a look at the inventory picks and put-aways. If I got into the location cards. I have actually created a South location here. In the warehouse set-up, I have put in required put-away, and required pick, and then bin mandatory. It's important to have bin mandatory because without that you can actually skip the bins altogether. It's just going to be a pick into a warehouse without bins. Then the default bin selection, I said, last used bins. It's basically just picking the one that you previously used for that item.

With this, we can go ahead and get into a purchase order and create a new one. Basically, I want to go ahead and receive the iNECTA coffee mug into the South location. Let's say we have 100. Then I got ahead and release this and then create inventory put-aways. We're not doing the receipt like we did before; we got straight into inventory put-away picks. We skip receipts. We skip shipments. You're going to see that here in a minute.

I create that. We have both here checked. Go ahead and we have the inventory put-away. If I go into that, inventory put-aways, here it is. It's created. Now the warehouse has this instruction to go ahead and put-away the product. It's suggesting to put it into storage two. I can go ahead and change that and maybe put it into storage one. I can then say I'm going to handle 100, so putting all of them there. I can even put the vendor invoice number here and post the purchase order invoice. When I got into posting, post, I can say receive an invoice. The invoice number has to be filled out, of course.

I'm going to just go ahead and receive, leave the P.O. open there. I have a million of them already. It doesn't matter if I add one more. Then I'm going to go ahead and create a sales order and actually pick this out of the warehouse, just showing the full circle on this one. Do one to Adatum Corporation. Get the copy mug out of South. Let's say we're shipping 50. We go ahead and release this. Then go ahead and create the inventory pick. It's exactly the same way as we did with the put-away.

Inventory pick, like so, I have actually two here. All right, so it's probably the new one. Yep, for 50, and now I can say where I'm actually picking it out of, which is nice. I can take a bin contents list here and see for this item where do I have it. I actually have 200 in storage one and 100 in storage two. Let's say if I want to take it out of storage two, I just close this, put in storage two here, say I'm going to take 50, and then go ahead and post. Now I've posted it, and it's out the door.

This is a much simpler scenario. Notice that – oops, I accidentally closed the desktop. Notice that when I post the put-away, and post the pick, it's actually posting the receiving at the same time, which is important. The pick, it's posting the shipment. It's a much simpler process. It's kind of nice – organizes he way we do the warehouse in a more simple way than the whole shipment and receiving.

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