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Dynamics 365 Business Central: Warehouse Management Part 12, Using Put-Away Worksheet

Dynamics 365 Business Central: Warehouse Management Part 12, Using Put-Away Worksheet

Hey, everyone!  We’re going to keep going with Warehouse Management. Today, we’re going to talk about the put-away worksheet.

Why do we need the put-away worksheet? If we have PO number one and PO number two, two POs, and they’re being received into the location, let’s say they are both in different receiving bays. It doesn’t have to be different receiving bays but, in this case, we’ll just say that. There is 25 coffee mugs that come in here and 15 that come in here. Let’s say this is receiving and then over here, we have the storage.

When we are putting away these two different POs, if we do it in a normal fashion, then that would have been a put-away for this one and a put-away for this one. They’re two different actions. If one picker just says, I want to take both of these and actually put them into my storage bin number one. I want to create one put-away, not two put-aways because that’s just not efficient. We can actually use something called the put-away worksheet, to pull in both of these receipts.

These are receipts, so this would be receipt one and receipt two. You pull them in on the put-away worksheet and basically, you can bring in all the receipts with all the different items in here. You’ll have here the CM425 and the CM415. Then from here, you create a put-away, with both of them on the put-away. Then that put-away executes putting it away into storage. It’s just one put-away. You can assign that put-away to one user for all of the receipts in here.

Let’s say in the morning, you get a bunch of receipts, you rack them all up in the receiving bay and then you want to send put-away people to put it away. You might have three people. What you could do is create a put-away worksheet, grabbing everything here and then just divvy it up and create three put-aways, assigning it to each one of the put-away people and then they start putting away efficiently. You’ll have the same item and the same item usually goes to the same place in the storage.

Let’s take a look at that in the system. It’s obvious. It’s a good tool. Okay, so what we want to do it is go into the north warehouse – location and take a look at the setup there. What I’ve done is I’ve put here a used put-away worksheet. What that does is – the system will not automatically create a put-away when we post a warehouse receipt. The warehouse receipt will just hang out there. Instead, what you can do is go into the put-away worksheet and grab the receipts that are hanging out there into one worksheet to create a put-away.

Why would you want to do that? Well, let’s take a look at this. If I go here into Action, Get Warehouse Documents, I can see there are two receipts that have been posted and are sitting in the receiving bin, so I’m going to get both of them. Let me just see if I can do it like this. I click both and both of them come in. These are two receipts but it’s the same item. What I’m going to do now is create one put-away for this item. We can sort it by item but in this case, it doesn’t matter, it’s all the same item. Not assigned to anyone. If I hit OK, I get a put-away activity number 12 has been created. Now, if I get into that, Put-Away Activity, that’s here, and take a look at that particular Put-Away activity, I can see that the coffee mug now we have – we should take the 40 coffee mugs and put them away here.

Basically, it’s consolidating so I only now have to do one trip with both of these receipts, instead of – if I would have done it by each purchase order or by each receipt, then I would have gone, picked up 25, put them away and then gone and picked up 15 and put them away, which would have been ridiculous. This I can do in one go.

That’s the purpose of the put-away worksheet.

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