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Dynamics 365 Business Central: Warehouse Management Part 10, Bin Capacity

Dynamics 365 Business Central: Warehouse Management Part 10, Bin Capacity

All right, warehouse management. What we're going to talk about today is capacity. We had Storage 1, Rack 1, and Storage Rack 2, so these are two bins. We had ranked them. I think I gave them Rank 3 and 2. If you rank the bins, it's basically always going to put everything into the higher ranking bin.

For directed put-away, basically, what's going to happen is that everything goes into the highest rank and you have nothing going into the other one, so you need something more. We add something called capacity. In this case, it is the maximum cubage, maximum cube, right here. Here, I think we put both for them to be 150. You might be thinking okay, what is cube? Is it cube feet, cube meter, cube something, inches?

Technically, you can think of it as anything you want, as long as you're consistent with the number that's there. If it's 150 whatever, make sure that it is whatever everywhere. In this case, we set it up as 150. What you need to do is for the item or the item cardwe have a unit of measure or basically, it's called item unit of measure. In this case, we have pieces, and you can set up the cube for each piece. I always set that up to be one, which is probably at overestimate.

If it's cubic feet, really big, big coffee mugs, but you can think of it as just one whatever, one mug as the cube. It's easy for us to understand how much we can fit into each one of the bins. Then we're going to try to see running the directed put-away and making sure that now we're going to be putting it into the bin that has availability. Let's take a look at that in the system. Okay, so let's take a look at this.

If I go into, first, the item card, what I want to take a look at is the cubage for an item. If I get into my iNECTA Coffee Mug, go to Navigate, Item, Units of Measure, I've actually added on here two more fields. This is the cubage and the weight. I've set up the piece to have Cubage 1. I'm not dealing in boxes that much, so I'll just skip putting that up. Basically, for each piece, the cubage is one.

Now, the cubage can be defined by you what that means. If that is a cube foot, then that's that, or if it's less, it's up to you. In this case, I just define the unit one; that's basically one coffee mug cube and so it's easy for me to calculate how much cube is inside the bin. If I go out into my bin contents, I can see that I have in the Storage Bin 2, the quantity is 140 of the iNECTA Coffee Mug, so that's 140 cube. I'm going to go ahead and set the maximum cube for this.

If I go into Location, and go into the North Location, let's see, and get into the Bins _by the way, I've added all these fields here. They are not by default in the system, so you have to personalize it and add fields. I can see here that the bin ranking 2 and Storage 3 has bin ranking 3. The higher the bin ranking, then the earlier it's put away in, if I remember this correctly. I'm going to put both of them with maximum cube 150. I know that is 140 and I think it's three. If I receive 100, it should either split it up or put it into one there where it fits. Let's see how that work.

I close it out here. Go into my purchase order and create a purchase order for the iNECTA Coffee Mug. I got a lot of them received. I tend to not invoice them because I don't have to, so they sit out there for forever. Anyways, I go in here, get the coffee mug, go into the North Location. I'm going to get 100 and then go ahead and release that. Then go ahead let me see, Warehouse, Create Warehouse Receipt; warehouse receipt has been created. Then we'll go ahead and post that. Oops, Post Receipt, Yes.

Then we'll take a look at how the put-away lines come out. Hopefully, it'll respect the maximum capacity. Let me see. Put-away, Warehouses Put-aways, we go into the last one here, hit Edit. What it wants to do for this 100 is take it from receive and put it into Storage 3. Let's take a look at the bin contents.

If I look at the bin contents, I'll see that the Storage 2 has 140, so it's almost maxed out. The lower the ranking, the better, I guess. Then Storage 2 has 0, so we want to put it into Storage 3 because that is available. It's taking into account the capacity of the bin and that's exactly what we wanted.

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