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Dynamics 365 Business Central: Logging On The Service Order

Dynamics 365 Business Central: Logging On The Service Order

Okay, so keep going on service management. Now we're pretending we're Linda and we actually will take a look at our cost list which shows the service order that I need to work on and say that's tasks here. From the task list, I will go into the actual document showing the header and lines, so the service order. And here we have the Surface computer that needs to be repaired. I take a look at the status of that and what is wrong, I find the Surface computer by the serial number inside the company. I actually found it, I change the status to in process. So I let everybody know that I'm actually working on it, and that could be timed as well, so we know the response time. So it was pending, now it's in process.

And then I work on it and I find out that the power supply was broken. So I go into the service order worksheet. For each one of the lines, there's a worksheet. Because you're working on each one of the service items that are broken at a time, and you log your hours and your material for each one of the lines. In the service order worksheet there I put in the hours that I worked, and the fact that we actually have to ship the power supply to replace it. I close that out and I change this now to finished, and get out of the service order. And my job is preferably done as the repair person for Surface computers.

Okay. Now we're going to pretend that we are Linda and we're actually going to work on the service order. I can go into tasks, service tasks, and see all the service tasks that are assigned to me. I only have one here, so I can go ahead and say show document. The description is, "Surface computer will not turn on." This is the Surface computer, and we have the serial number here. So I can just say, "Okay, I'm going to start working on it. I've found this computer it's in front of me and now I'm trying to figure out what's wrong." So I can say the repair status is in progress.

That changes the in status here, in process. Now I'm going to go out of this and go into the worksheet. After tinkering around with it, I figured out that the power supply is broken and we need to replace it. So I go in here and look up a power supply to replace and it asks me, "Do you want to replace this component?" Let's just say yes. Interesting enough, it actually asks me which component am I replacing? Obviously the power supply, but we can replace the keyboard with a power supply, but I think the user will not be happy with that.

We can then go ahead and ship that out of the main location, send one, the price is going to be $89, that could've of course defaulted from the item cart. And then I'm just going to go ahead and log my hours, put in two hours, and that's it. So I am done, and I can just go ahead and change the repair status to finished. And I can see that it's finished right here. And so this is good to go for management to go ahead and ship out the replacement part and book my hours.

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