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Dynamics 365 Business Central: CRM Part 9 - More On Tasks

Dynamics 365 Business Central: CRM Part 9 - More On Tasks

Hey, everyone, so tasks, let's talk about tasks again. Tasks, I feel, is the main screen for the salesperson because it tells you what to do, what to do next, how to follow up. You have lots of leads. You have a pipeline. You're not going to remember everybody. You just have to have rolling tasks. We're going to get back into tasks.

With tasks, remember we have something called activity. Activity can have many tasks, so I'm going to put it like this, tasks. If you're in your task window, and you want to create a new activity for your task, basically what that does, it puts many tasks into your task window. If the activity was to qualify, and the qualify is to call up the prospect and then fill in a form, that would be two tasks. I will use a different color for that if I use the qualify activity, and that might be call and fill form. Those tasks would be generated automatically into your task queue.

Also, with Business Central, now we have a comment section, which is very nice. I'm going to show that in the application. Another thing is that if you look into tasks in Business Central, you get three types of tasks. We're just talking about tasks for CRM. There are generic tasks, also. There's also service tasks. Don't be confused with those because those have nothing to do with what we're going through. We might, however, cover them at a later date. Let's take a look.

Okay, so we are going to focus on tasks. If I go into Salespeople, and go straight into Saddow, like so, and go into the tasks for him. One thing I wanted to highlight is that in order to add tasks here, I can go ahead and create tasks, of course. I can also go ahead and hit Functions, Assign Activity. In order to do that, I just click here and pick an activity code.

Here, for example, I can pick workshop task, qualify – let's say qualify task and say that is today. We're going to qualify a prospect. Let's say the prospect is Raymond. I can then hit OK. What happens, because we covered this before in another video, is that the activity code is connected to multiple tasks. Those tasks that are connected to the activity code will get created into my task list. There was one task here, call lead to qualify, and that just pops in here.

Another cool thing about tasks is that if I go in here, and now I'm going to call. Let's say I didn't reach the prospect, Raymond. I can just put a note here and say, "Tried calling, didn't reach Raymond. I left a message." If I hit, OK, here, it comes right here on the side. Let's say if I then try later, I say, "Finally reached Raymond. He is calling me back tomorrow." I can have my log here in a nice fashion. I can put as many comments as I like. It seems to have a pretty big buffer that I can type into.

On that, this is the salesperson task. In Business Central, there are more tasks. I want to just highlight that that's different. If I go into tasks, here, I have user tasks. If I click on that, those are just generic tasks in the system. They don't have anything to do with the CRM system. It's a generic task that I cannot attach to a page or report. It might be something we can get into in a different video, but again this is not the same thing as the tasks that we're doing in the CRM.

Also, there is something called service tasks, right here, which is from the service system in Business Central, and has to do with service people out in the field servicing service items. Again, it has nothing to do with the CRM. I just wanted to avoid confusion, here, when we're talking about tasks. If you go into the salesperson onto tasks, those are the tasks that we are working with. The other two task types are different and for different purposes.

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