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Dynamics 365 Business Central: Budgets And Forecasts Part 3

Dynamics 365 Business Central: Budgets and Forecasts Part 3

Okay, finally we have done the budget. We're ready to look at budget versus actual. We're going to get to this report right here. It's going to be actual, budget, and difference. We're going to do that for item. Actually, the item we're going to use is the iNECTA coffee mug.

We're going to get something like 700 sold. The budget was 1,000. The difference is 300. We're below 300 – 300 below budget on these sales. We're going to use the sales analysis reports to do this. Pull in the budget that we did. Remember, we actually do have dimensions in here. We have the customer group, small; region, northeast; etcetera. Let's take a look at that.

Now that we have the sales budgets in, or sort of, we want to go into finance and go into sales analysis reports. I'm going to create a new one here, and just play with how this report gets built. I'll just create a coffee mug sales analysis. Our goal here is basically to have actual versus budget. How well are we doing, or forecast, if you prefer that. We'll do coffee mug sales analysis.

There is a line template here, analysis line template. Let's take a look at what that is. If I go in here, just create a new one. Call it coffee mug sales analysis line template – I'll do LT, sold, right, sales analysis line template, all right, coffee mug sales line template. If I take a look at the line here, lines, so I get these rows. This is, basically, asking for how do you want to display the data that you're looking at? It's like account schedules. You can create your own row template that you're looking at. That can be – each row can actually have an item, or item group, customer, or customer group, salesperson, etcetera.

I think we should spend some time with this, really understanding this scenario and making something nice. In the beginning, just for this video, I'm just going to create one line in here. Say that's my iNECTA coffee mug because that's the only [03:19] I have data for right now. It's an item, last time I checked. I'll just pick it in the list of items. That's it. As you can see here, we have a lot of options. We'll get into this formatting in a bit. Right now, I'm just going to pick the iNECTA coffee mug, leave it very simple. I will just close it out here and just hit okay.

Then we have an analysis column template name. This is the line. These are the rows. These are columns. I have created here – this is budget versus actual, but I'm going to just go ahead and create again. It's coffee mug budget, a little different, coffee mug budget versus actual. Let's go ahead and take a look at the columns.

If you worked with analysis views – I'm sorry, if you worked with account schedules, and even analysis views, this is really familiar to you. This is almost the identical structure of account schedules. I'm going to go ahead and say here, we have the net change. I'm going to look at the item entries, this net change of item entries. The value type here is going to be important.

Normally, in account schedules, you have just amounts. However, here, you have quantity as well. I am going to check on the quantity because that's how we did the budget. We budgeted on quantity. Then I'll do here the budget. That's also net change, but it's going to be item budget entries. Hopefully that will work out for us. That's also quantity. That's it.

We can just do a difference. That will be a formula. The formula will be budget minus net change. That's just probably not any value type, so we'll just close that out. I have the coffee mug budget. Now we have this done, so we'll just go out of this. Now we can hit edit, analysis view, or analysis report, sales analysis. I'm just going to do this slowly here. We went back to the sales analysis screen and went into edit analysis report, just like that.

Then I get a very similar screen to the analysis views where I can set up view by any filtering that I have, etcetera. I'm looking at the coffee mug sales analysis and the coffee mug budget. Just hit show matrix. Now I have the net change is 899 so far. The budget is 5,750. The difference is 4,851. This is on the total year, if I am looking at this correctly. At least we got the net change budget and difference. Let's move on from that on the next video.

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