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Dynamics 365 Business Central: Release Update 2020 Wave 1: Attach As PDF

Release Update 2020 Wave 1: Attach as PDF

Hey, guys. This is video number three on highlighting the Release One 2020 from Microsoft Business Central. And I wanted to talk about a pretty interesting thing that they released. So, I'm here standing by the printer. You might be asking why. Why am I standing here by the printer? Well, I just sent a sales order to a customer and I like to keep a printed copy of it. You might ask me, "Why? It's in the system, why do you need a printed copy of this sales order?" Well, I'm just one of these people I like to have a printed copy of the sales order as I sent it out. So, okay, I could have, I guess, taken the PDF that went on the email and saved that, that could have been the similar thing to keeping a printed copy. But right now what Microsoft has done, it actually allows you to take a snapshot off the sales order and attach it to that sales order as a PDF format, just kind of immediately.

And you might be thinking, "Why? Don't you want to send it somewhere, or save it, or something like that?" But I think the exact reason is people like to keep a copy of it. Now, it doesn't have to be paper and we certainly want to get rid of this printer in the near future. All IT people just want to get rid of all paper. And this might be one step close to that. I know it's going to be a short video, but it's an interesting feature. So, take a look.

Okay. Let's go over a feature that was added in the release wave one for 2020. So, this one is kind of interesting and it's great to show. If I go into a sales order, I'm just going to pick an existing one. Right here. Let me just add an item in here just to have something. Okay. So, if I have the sales order here and I want to go ahead and print it, I have a new thing here called the Attach as PDF. So what does this do? I mean, if I do an email confirmation, it'll create an email and a touch the confirmation as PDF. So, it's not doing that.

So, let me just go ahead and fire this up. Okay, so, I'm going to create an order confirmation. Now, it does all that. And notice the attachments up here actually went up to one. So, it prints out the order and attaches it to this record. So, it's pretty interesting. You can basically just sort of create a printed out snapshots in a PDF that's attached. And now I know a lot of people out there print out things and keep it and they want to have a snapshot of where things are. This is a way to do it without actually having to deal with paper.

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