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Dynamics 365 Business Central: AI Engine

Dynamics 365 Business Central: AI Engine

So, we are actually going to talk about artificial Intelligent, I think it's so important to take that topic seriously. Microsoft has actually given us just a little taste of how it is to use artificial Intelligence, but they have actually built a huge product for you to use. For us to take advantage of that product we need to dive in deeply. I’m going to break the wall, so you can start using it to its fullest potential. We are going to take a couple of videos on that and get you properly into the Azure stack.  

Now, talking about Artificial Intelligence, I want to set up the environment. Previously we had looked into the item screen and look into the Cortana forecast here to the right. I have no idea what algorithm it uses to go through this, it would be really nice to understand this a little bit deeper and create your own artificial intelligence models.   

If I go in here into forecast settings and go into open Cortana intelligence gallery and go here in Open in studio, what I get is like a free version of this. The workspace that actually comes up here, it picks up my name and adds free to it. It's a generated workspace, it doesn't allow me to do much. What I want to do is create a workspace where we can accelerate the engine, make it stronger, and we can develop things on our own.  

Workspace in your Azure cloud
To start out we need to change this workspace into a paid workspace in your Azure cloud. How do you do that? You actually log into the portal. Azure.com, and if you haven't done this before it’s a little bit daunting, there is a lot of options here, this is sort like going into the engine of the Microsoft stack. Inside the portal you have all the services, if you click here, you have all of THESE services which is quite a lot, 99 percent of the stack here you don’t have to think about or understand.   

What we are most interested in, is the AI+machine learning, if I go into my Machine learning studio workspace, I have actually click out here and create a new service called Inecta AI. You click add here, you get a screen like this where you put in the workspace name, pick and click the resource group, its free trial. You have to give your credit card thought even though you create a free version of this. If you want to, you can change the pricing here into a paid version if you need a more powerful engine to run it.  

We are working with free, I’m going to exit this and go into Inecta AI. You can see all the activity logs and information about it, another interesting thing here is you can position it in a location that is close to you, so the lack of time is less. From here, we can actually get into Machine studio or Machine Learning Studio which is the same thing as we were in before, go into my experiments and what happens if you have the same workspace as we had before except, I can now change it to my paid one right here. Obviously, I’m not going to have the same experiments as I had, because the Business Central is by default now connected to this free account which doesn't exist in your cloud, so we actually have to go about connecting into a new account which we’ll get into in the next video. But at least here, you’ll set up your own space which is on your own Azure cloud to start working on Artificial intelligence. 



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